Monday, May 2, 2011


for the last two or three weeks but not on the book,hehehe...I've been extremely exposed by the book of "future grace" by John Piper and daily devotional by Joseph Prince that's focusing on grace.
its not just a coincidence that I picked out the book out of my other books and found the online daily devotion that's heavily focused on "grace".

Ever since i read those two, i have learned so much.. its been a reminds me again for not being constantly anxious and worry about life..He even cares for the flower *dont remember the name* that can live only for a, wouldn't God cares more about you? its such a great reminder..

then, me being impatience...oooo...this is definitely a very hard thing to do...but it's also under the category of doubting future grace..n for the last two weeks...I've been fighting against impatience..n it ain't fun at all...its very tempting for me not to take the initiative. Only by God's grace, i can survive and totally surrender into God's plan. I believe that everything has its own perfect i'm really looking forward to it...

I also learned that often times i regret things and wished i haven't said or done it..but, there's nothing i can change..its already been said and done..i should see it as an opportunity to grow ...i was reminded that if God is for us, then who can be against us..
we don't earn grace...Grace is given by God...

I'm very thankful how God prepares me for my next journey...Thank you Lord for you are a loving,gracious and faithful God.

God bless,

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